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HADO European Cup 2022.

This team has qualified, and will represent Norway in the HADO European Cup 2022. Who are Norway's national team you ask? The team consists of 3 girls, aged 14. They train both football and handball, in addition to HADO sport. They are very excited and proud, of the fact that they now represent Norway, in the HADO European Cup - 2022.

Busy week

Wednesday 02 November

It was an great honor to open day 2 of the Nordic VR Forum.

The girls were quite excited, but also ready to show off Norway's newest techno sport.

With many guests arriving, the pulse rose as opening of the show approached.

But with the Nordic VR Forum`s production team, and a good manager, everything was arranged for a flawless execution.

The guests loved it, and it was an flawless execution.

This was also the first time the girls showed off their national team uniforms.

Now a train trip to Gardemoen and a few hours of sleep awaited, before departure to France at 06:40 the next day.

Torsdag 03.November

It was really hard to get up between 03-04:00, but Saint-Rahael was waiting.

After a 2-hour flight to Nice and a great train ride along the coast, we arrived at Saint-Raphael. navigate and buying train tickets was`nt a problem, although my French was rather poor. :)

It rained a lot today, so Friday will be used to get to know Saint-Raphael`s sights.

Fredag 04.November

Fredagen ble brukt til å bli kjent med nærområdet i Saint Raphael.

Lørdag 05.11


Da var det endelig klart for konkurranse.

Totalt 11 kamper skal spilles, der hver kamp spilles best av 2. Det betyr at jentene skal spille min 22 kamper, hvis det ikke blir noen uavgjort. Det ble en hektisk og slitsom dag, men underveis i konkurransen, kom trenere og spillere fra andre land, for å gratulere landslaget med flott innsats.

Kampene begynte kl 13:00 og ble spilt på 2 forskjellige baner. Det ble ganske intensivt og mellom hver kamp fikk spillerne 50sek pause.

Selv med korte pauser og høyt tempo, vant Norges landslag 2 kamper. Dermed kan de herved smykke seg med tittelen, at Norge er blandt de 10 beste lagene i europa.

Vi gleder oss allerede til neste år, for da skal vi klare å komme blandt de topp 6 beste i europa.

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